Save the World AMA with MultiChain Apes

On August 5th, we invited Save The World team for an AMA with MultiChain Apes telegram. We had so much fun that the AMA lasted 1hr 30min(the longest AMA so far). Christian joined us from $SAVE and he answered to every question we had for him in a very professional way.
Here you have a Summary of Q&A from the AMA
AJ Crypto: Thank you for joining us today!
May we start?
Christian: Yessir, ready when you are!
AJ Crypto: Awesome!
~ Can you please introduce yourself to our members? What is your background? When did you start crypto and for how long you know the rest of team?
Christian: Definitely. So I started investing in crypto back in 2017, and after the crash happened in 2018, a lot of people left crypto. I stayed in and tried to learn as much as I could about the technology side of things while also meeting some awesome people along the way. I previously assisted another project as a core contributor and since then moved on to Save the World. In terms of the other guys on the team, I actually met them when we came together for Save the World. A lot of people with various backgrounds stepped up and since starting about 2.5 months ago, we’ve created a really solid team of people who are passionate about the project succeeding.
AJ Crypto: Was that DRC core contributor?
Christian: It was. I assisted Digital Reserve Currency in getting them off the ground last October
AJ Crypto: I remember that. Great Project!
~ Is this your first project with this team? Is the team located in the same time zone?
Christian: It is! I meet up with the team we have now because of Save the World and it has honestly been amazing. We are international with people across various time zones, but that means work is always being done on Save which is awesome. We hold bi-weekly zoom meetings to calibrate ourselves and make sure everyone is on the same page. It’s been pretty amazing working with people across the world to rally behind a common cause.
AJ Crypto: That’s interesting, so you would say you’re pretty close to each other despite the different time zones.
Christian: For sure. The international presence means we can all work at different times but the weekly meetings help keep things in focus.
AJ Crypto: ~ Are you guys doxxed or privately doxxed to any company?
Christian: We are. You can go on our website and go to the team section to view our names, photos, and LinkedIns. We’re all real :)
AJ Crypto: That’s a big plus, specially now that we’re facing so many rugs/scams.
Christian: Yea the one thing we try to do is be transparent about everything. Who we are, who we are donating to, how we are donating. That’s why we do every single donation live on stream.
AJ Crypto: ~ How many people are part of the team at the moment?
Christian: Currently we have 5 main team members as well as a few others who assist us with graphics, the TG chat, the social media accounts, etc.
AJ Crypto: ~ Any position opened at the moment? Are you looking to hire more people in the future?
Christian: For sure. We are always looking for developers and people who can help us with Save’s mission of making a difference. If you’re interested in working with us, feel free to shoot me a message with a little information about yourself and how you can help Save the World. We’d love to speak with you!
AJ Crypto: Maybe @WalletGuardian can help you on the dev side, he’s part of a great team Beanstalk
Christian: That’s awesome. Would love to speak with him if he’s down!
AJ Crypto: ~ What is the main goal of Save The World? I mean I get it from the name but can you be a little bit more specific since our world is pretty fucked up right now in many directions…
Christian: Couldn’t agree more unfortunately. Our primary focus is Saving the World through charitable donations and actions. We’ve donated over $2 million in our first 3 months and while other charities or projects might cater to one specific cause, our flexibility in donating has allowed us to help projects like the American Cancer Society, Act Now South Africa which combats domestic abuse, and even a family in Texas going through a tough time. The good news is we have additional use cases coming very soon and we will introduce new ways for people to donate to charity while also interacting with Save the World in a different manner. Our next campaign for donations will be Jamaica. We are planning a huge campaign there with various influencers and artists to bring real change to the people who need it the most through the power of crypto.
AJ Crypto: Wow Jamaica! I saw your twitter profile pic…that’s cool
Christian: Yea it’s going to be epic!
AJ Crypto: ~ How is SaveTheWorld different from other projects ?
Christian: I would say our main difference is transparency. Since day one, we have shown who we were, how much was raised, where the money was going. We have always stayed true to our word and have never stopped developing the project. When Save the World launched, we saw a myriad of copies pop up claiming to be charity tokens. Those projects wound up failing or scamming their investors without as much as a $1000 donation to a charity. We have consistently worked on making sure our community and investors trust the people working on Save the World, and have their interests at heart. We are active on social media, we go on streams, and even have high profile guests like Ndaba Mandella (Nelson’s Mandella’s grandson), Michael Blackson, and Pearl Thusi, both actors in “Coming 2 America,” join us. They trust who we are and believe in the project, unlike other projects that just pay people to shill them on social media.
AJ Crypto: You have some big names there, Nelson’s Mandella grandson.
Do you have the link handy?
Christian: Yea, we are also working with Bob Marley’s Grandson, Biggz who is working with us on our campaign in Jamaica. I can find you the link after the AMA but you can view all our past streams on our official Save the World YouTube page for maximum transparency. We also recently started doing our donations on Instagram Live so our more recent donations are on our official Instagram page: @saveworldtoken
AJ Crypto: Please don’t forget the links. I’ll post them here and pin it.
Can you explain us the tokenomics in few words please?
Christian: You got it. For the tokenomics, there’s 1 Quadrillion tokens, with about 350T, or 35% of the tokens burned. Additional tokens are burnt occasionally. There’s a 10% tax on each transaction with a portion of that tax going towards donations. This is for any buy or sell.
AJ Crypto: ~ You are having 10% Tx fee. 6% goes to Operations, right? Can you please explain “Operations” in details?
Christian: 6% currently goes to operations as a month ago. When Save the World first launched, there were no marketing or development wallets. This change in tokenomics was decided upon by the community through a public vote. The marketing and operations funds generated thus far has allowed us to develop our website from scratch and include additional features such as our DEX, which allows users to purchase SAVE with BNB directly through our website, our Cross Chain Swap integration which allows anyone to purchase SAVE with 250 different cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, or LTC., and paid for additional marketing and has assisted us with our upcoming campaign in Jamaica. We feel this was necessary to prime SAVE for next bull run to make it as frictionless as possible to interact with Save whether you are new to crypto or experienced. One of the features about Save is the tokenomics is community decided.
AJ Crypto: ~ I saw on your website Donation V1, Automation V1 on the Roadmap. When do you think we will have them live?
Christian: Our donation v1 was our first donation campaign that we started which was with Covid Relief in India. We are currently moving to Phase 3 which is Jamaica. We are currently developing a way for our donations to be automated to specific charities chosen by our community.
AJ Crypto: ~ What about Personalized Donation Metrics?
Christian: That has been completed just recently. We added sections on our website for anyone to donate directly to our partnered charities any cryptocurrency they would like apart from Save. We also track the amount raised for each charity and list it on our website for our holders for transparency.
AJ Crypto: ~ Can you talk about the $SAVE bybacks please? Do the funds come from the 6% tax?
Christian: It used to, before our community decided to change it to go towards marketing and operations. When we first launched, we had burns. The community then decided on buybacks before settling on having funds go towards marketing and operations. Additionally, the burn wallet collects a portion of each transaction that happens meaning the total supply is constantly decreasing.
AJ Crypto:~ Are you implementing any voting system soon? I think I saw it somewhere on your website.
Christian: Our current method is polling through our TG and Discord communities. We are currently developing our DAO platform which will allow holders to propose changes to tokenomics, as well as present charities to donate to. Once that is completed, Save the World would be decentralized and 100% community ran with the support of the Core Contributors.
AJ Crypto: wow, it has been 1hr already. My apologies, I’m just enjoying the AMA lol
Let’s jump on marketing
last topic
~ How do you plan staying competitive in the market long term? What is your strategy for the product development?
Christian: Haha sounds good man.
We stand to be the number one impact investing token in crypto. As a first mover in the space, we are implementing additional use cases that will be announced in our upcoming whitepaper and roadmap which will position Save the World as the standard charity token. We started something amazing with over $2 million donated and we’ve just begun. We plan on creating new avenues for our community to interact with Save while allowing us to continue to having the impact we have on charities around the world. We plan on doing things that no other token in the space has done previously.
AJ Crypto: Last question
~ Everyone wants to know about your short-term Marketing Plans. Can you share with us your marketing strategy? What should we expect in short-term?
Christian:No worries at all!
We have a TON of marketing lined up over the coming weeks. Our upcoming Jamaica campaign is our biggest yet with over $100,000 being invested to help bring exposure to Save the World. In addition to donating to various charities in Jamaica over the course of a few weeks, we also worked with some of the biggest artists in Jamaica under BMU Records such as Sizzla, Paradax, and Curtis Lamonz to create an official Save the World song. In addition, (and nobody knows this yet) an official Save the World music video will also be released a few weeks after the song drops and will include the artists. We are planning a full on marketing campaign to tie in with our partnership with Jamaica and the various influencers and artists we are working with.
AJ Crypto: I can’t wait to see the development and the donations in Jamaica.
Christian: We’re very much looking forward to showing the world what the number one impact investing token can do!
AJ Crypto: Christian, Thank you for your time and thank you for being here sir! We wish you all the best and please feel free to share any updates with us.
I’m glad I was part of it.
Christian: Thank you so much for having me. Together we can make a difference, together we can Save the World!

Question from the Community
- Question from @angelo_btc
“Are you thinking about a marketplace for NFTs in your website? Right now NFTs are pretty hot…or maybe even merch”
Christian: I can tell you we have some pretty cool merch on the way like tshirts, sweaters and reusable water bottles! NFTs are pretty hot, you’re right. Any project not doing their due diligence are doing a disservice to the marketplace. With that being said, we have some sick ideas for NFTs!
- Question from ysrael.DMA:
“When will the white paper be ready … as this gives investors more confidence and is of utmost importance”
Christian: Our white paper will be coming out in the next few weeks as we solidify additional use cases. At launch, Save the World’s main use case was donating. Going forward, we plan on adding additional features which will be outlined in an updated white paper and roadmap.
- Question from MultiChainDirector (his name has nothing to do with Multichain Apes lol)
"I was wondering what type of programs you will enact to engage your whales? We all know keeping big holders happy is important and i often feel tokens forget about this"
Christian: One of our biggest feedbacks from our whale investors was to make Save easier to purchase. We listen to our community and implemented a way for people to purchase Save with 250 different cryptocurrencies. We are also working on implementing FIAT-based purchasing directly through our website. We believe our whales ultimately want mass adoption and are working towards ease of access to SAVE. With our upcoming DAO, holders like whales can propose any additional changes they would like to see in the ecosystem.
- Question from Jack M
“Also had one more question. Once the volume picks up and we start donating again, the amount of tokens burnt will be substantial. Is there a goal to get the supply down to a certain amount, or is it see as we go?”
Christian: “There isn’t a specific goal in mind, although for now we did stop the burning to generate funds for marketing and development. In the future, if the community would like us to resume burning tokens, we’d be happy to do so. :)”
Links $SAVE
Links MultiChain Apes