Change Our World AMA with Multi Chain Apes

Hello! Recently we had “Change Our World” team over our telegram for a quick AMA about their project. The team from $CHG was with AJ for over an hour explaining and answering all the questions regarding this new project.
Here you will have a summary of what went down during the AMA.
AJ: Hello and welcome to @Whlskey_Dick
As you may know, Whiskey has been with us for a while and you’re familiar with him!
But for those that don’t know you can you please introduce yourself in few words?
~ What is your background? When did you start crypto and for how long you know the rest of team?
Whiskey: “In a few words.. that’s tough for me.. So I essentially got into crypto full-time March 2019 when the markets collapsed & have been since making my way through this space as best as I can, and trying to just bring truth, honesty & transparency in this space where it seems so hard to find. Lately, that seems to be getting me into some issues, but again I am here & I don’t have an alt & will never have or hide behind an alt because I know that’s all I have ever been & will continue to be in DeFi & on TG. I’m here, this is me, and I stand by everything I have done, mistakes, successes, and everything in between.
The current team involved I know from irl & some have been lifelong friends.. These guys, most of whom are as credible as they come, will be here to do exactly the same as I have tried to do in the past year, and we will continue to push & evolve in this space with nothing but the best intentions & even more of a reach in terms of marketing & venture capitalists than I have ever been able to work with on any previous projects”
AJ: ~ How many people are part of the team at the moment?
Whiskey: “Currently, there are roughly 8 of us, but in an effort to continue our reach and expansion to strengthen our team & the final product we deliver, we keep pushing forward & bringing on as many good humans as possible to help achieve the larger visions we all have of making it out of “Shitcoin-ing.”
As of late, the core team has been set, and we continue to further expand through our ambassadors & bringing on more influencers, athletes, celebrities than we already have & will help get our message out to as many humans as possible.
We also brought on a few new devs, who are doxxed to us in human form, so that we can push our crosschain initiative that was announced Monday.”
AJ: ~ Is this your first project together? Is the team located in the same time zone?
Whiskey: “This would be our first project together as a whole, and the majority of us all reside in the EST timezone in America. Some of these guys I have brought in specifically as friends in human form, due to their reach & professionalism outside of TG & your everyday project lunched in DeFI. Some have been doing this for awhile now as well, but all together, we have been & will continue to be here for as long as it takes & not run away from anything when shit gets hard. We will not stop working until this thing becomes what we know it can truly be & literally helps bring the Change we wish to see in the world. And say what you want about me, I fucking mean that when I say it.
And I’ll do everything I can to prove it.”
AJ: I see a lot of tension in your answers hahah
Why is that? Would you care to eloborate? We all know $CHANGE went through many hiccups lately
Whiskey: “I have been called a lot of things lately, some good & some not so good, but one thing I can & will always do is take accountability for my own actions & responsibility for my projects & anything that happens there. Anything & everything that can be thrown my way. I’ve heard it all, and still I’m here & not going away anytime soon, providing whatever transparency & truths I can to push those projects to new heights. This being said, you’re not always going to see eye-to-eye with everyone, but what really counts & what matters most is when you lay down to go to sleep at night, how well do you sleep.. Do you know you did everything you could to help as many people as you could & do you own up & make amends where & when necessary if you have wronged someone. Our current state of CHANGE has taken a massive hit, and we are in the process of working to right that for everyone involved, from the highest professionals we brought into this project, to the person buying .03 BNB or whatever you so choose… sorry, I’ll stop there for now
I could go all day, as I have been trying to dispel any negativity or false accusations thrown the teams way.”
AJ: ~ What are you guys trying to do now? What is going to happen with $CHANGE?
Whiskey: “Currently, we have raised a new liquidity pool for CHANGE & will be launching a new updated version with different tokenomics that will be more geared towards helping us get listed on some of the mainstream exchanges that could allow for mass adoption. We have the team, the concept & the vision to make this all a reality.. and most of it is already in place from the first CHANGE token as you would have seen with our marketing the first week, but some of our plays had to be put on hold while we determined the best course of action for CHANGE to actually survive & in the long-term, benefit the most people we can possibly reach.”
AJ: ~ Can you share the tokenomics with us at this moment?
Whiskey: “As it stands, we have a 3% tax on every txn, with 2% going to LP & 1% being frictionlessly rewarded back to all holders wallets instantly. This lower tax & and smaller fee is something we had found in discussions with your biggest exchanges, as one of the biggest hurdles to overcome for our utility & future partnerships. As we all know, centralized exchanges operate on fees they set for themselves, not our tax. This lower tax is to alleviate some of their early concerns with the first version of CHANGE & matching whatever the LP tax be for our donations. As it would stand to reason, and some of them have directly told us, the donation portion would need to be matched by the CEX we partner with, for an increase in volume they would provide to also bring the increased donations we wish to see.”
AJ: ~ How are you going to guarantee your investors that the new project won’t have the same fate as the old one?
Whiskey: “We have brought new devs on with us, who are both friends in human form & doxxed to each & every one of us. I am currently doxxed myself to Gohkshtein Media & Assure DeFi, both in separate KYC’s to work together in another project I am involved with as well. The main issue we ran into with the previous version was a a sort of gap between the devs & the marketing team, which after weeks of trying, could not be sorted out mutually & in such a way to ensure no one party was taking on too much risk from the other side. I have been thinking about doxxing myself at some point here soon as well, because I know I have nothing to hide & have done nothing but try to be a good human in this chaotic space. I just feel like too many people hide behind alts or anon accounts, and I refuse to be one of those people or let doxxing be viewed as anything but a positive.
Humans will always human, but what I will always take responsibility for are my own attitude & my actions. In the end, those are the only 2 things any of us have any control over whatsoever in this Universe.”
AJ: ~ Who’s in charge of the treasury wallet now?
Whiskey: “So this..
There was an issue regarding control of the previous treasury & what could potentially happen there. With the updated CHANGE, treasury is going to be controlled not just by a multi-sig with all team members in a lock-up, but also written contractual obligations that will hold any single one of us legally liable for anything we do. Just because crypto is currently de-regulated, does not me stealing, scamming & outright theft are allowed. These contracts hold us all legally liable in the United States of America.
Say what you want about any projects in DeFi, some have to be legally responsible for their actions, and this will ensure we are held to the highest standards.
The more & more DeFi is pillaged & plundered by scams, the worse we continue to look to the rest of the world we’re trying to help change. We will not be those people. Never have been, never will be.”
AJ: ~ What is your main goal for this project? What are you guys trying to achieve long term?
Whiskey: “We ideally want to create a donation ecosystem where we would be able to host other donation projects from within our brand & contribute to Change around the world. Not one charity should be or is ever more important than the next. They all should be given an avenue to be helped & done through a secure & transparent way such as the blockchain. Money laundering gone, all the scams within the ecosystem prevented through our rigorous qualifying methods. At some level, I’m sure some of you think I’m just spitting a bunch of bullshit, but this is all real, DeFi can be so much more than what we keep thinking it is. We can bring about universal monetary systems & help make the world a better place. I know the vision I see & sometimes I think too big, but someones gotta do it. We need to be pushing eachother to be better, not to be richer or more important than any one token. THIS is about more than us, and more than what most human beings view as just “That Bitcoin thing..” where everyone seems to be purposefully pushing negativity towards & as we have all witnessed, crashing the markets down upon us. This is legit the way out for humanity. I truly believe that shit & I’ll never doubt it. The real question is what vision do you have, and what are you doing every single fucking day to make the change real & actually do some fucking good in this world. Rather than most of the childish bickering & dramas I have had to endure or witness on here. THIS is so much more, and yet we all act like a bunch of grown children fighting & bickering over inconsequential bullshit. Think bigger, be better, and doing something good for more than just yourself for once. There is so much here that can literally CHANGE the fucking world. It’s time we make others realize that vision as well.
I’m just one fucking guy, but together, all driven by goodness & the right attitude, we have the power right here to bring about true difference.”
AJ: ~Do you have any partners at the moment? If yes, who are they? Any new partnerships coming up?
Whiskey: “We have a partnership in the works with one project in particular, and have been talking very closely & deligently behind the scenes with to make this a reality. They too know there’s more here than a bunch of random shitcoins. I don’t necessarily want to name drop anything at this point in time as nothing is yet official, but they are very much pushing to make a real difference. We also have some very large partners in human form, some of which are silent investors or VC’s who have already told us they will do whatever they can to help us succeed.. But in terms of our reach, I can assure you that we have a few conversations with NFL, NHL & UFC professionals, as well as some major social media giants who can move mountains with the right projects & one they can all stand behind to bring about some goodness in this crazy fucking world we all currently reside in
Some of our ambassadors are official.
And we will allow those to be made public when the timing is right.
We flew out to LA a couple weeks back with a mission, and just because we hit some tough moments, doesn’t mean we have ever stopped working & building & fostering those relationships for the betterment of all.
Those meetings have happened & will continue to happen, and future proves past.”
AJ: Alright Whiskey, we know you’re busy with a lot of stuff atm so we will try to wrap it up.
Last question and very important to the community
~ Everyone wants to know about your short-term Marketing Plans. Can you share with us your marketing strategy?
Whiskey: “Absolutely.. Well all within the first week of launch we were on a times square billboard, we had been written up professionally in every Modern Luxury magazine imaginable & have been in real discussions, some partnerships in place that have been momentarily paused until everything is turned around & we can once again move forward with our initial vision of CHANGE. Those individuals & partners are well aware of what we are capable of, as well as what has been taking place in the DeFi space & they stand with us, ready to grow & push this project with us. There was a reason we got to a $40M MC in just a few days, and a reason we had meetings with certain individuals I once thought to be just a far-fetched dream. This thing we have started is becoming so much more than a crypto, it’s a movement that everyone can get behind & everyone can do their part in making a MASSIVE difference all across the world. Something we can feel good about when we say we are a part of said movement, and we are making a real difference for all of humanity. Just stick with us, this is only just the beginning & we’re in the vortex now, it’s all coming to fruition & no obstacle or issues can stop us. It’s more than us, it’s legitimately a way for people all over the world to connect & make a true & impactful, lasting CHANGE on the world.”
AJ: I just saw Whiskey tag “true APE” lol
I usually put the team Tag during the AMAs but I’m not going to change it now @Whlskey_Dick becuase in my opinion you are a true APE and I wish you all the best on your journey. I will support you with whatever I can.
The rest of you DYOR before you invest! Even though, Whiskey was part of the mod team in MCA, I tried to be fair with my questions. I hope you learned something from this!
We appreciate your time @Whlskey_Dick and thank you for the honesty!”