BUSTaBNB AMA with MultiChain Apes

MultiChain Apes
10 min readJul 11, 2021

On July 6th we had over our telegram BUSTaBNB team for a quick AMA about their new project. The team was very precise and transparent with the answers. AJ had many questions about the team and the game.
Here you will have a short summary about the AMA.

AJ: I’d like to welcome @NeilApeStrong and @CrusherApe from BUSTaBNB team to MultiChain Apes

Thank you for joining us today

Neil: Hello, Thanks for having us :)

Crusher: Amazing to be here with the Multichain Apes crew!

AJ: ~ Can you guys please introduce yourself in few words? What is your background?

Neil: Yep sure. So I have a broad background in IT, I’ve been in crypto for a long time now, and I’m a big fan of online gaming — so the perfect recipe for leading this project :)

Crusher: Hi I’m Crusher, some of you may know me from other projects such as APEcoin, MemeFarm.io and now part of the BUST team — I am also addicted to NFTs.. Trying to get help for that..

AJ: ~ When did you start crypto and for how long you know the rest of team?

Crusher: I got into crypto during 2017, and was hooked for good.. recently was fortunate enough to go into crypto as my full time job 😉

Neil: I think I first heard about Bitcoin in 2012, can’t really remember…. but I didn’t start taking it seriously until around 2016, still, not too late :)

I’ve known Crusher IRL for about 15 years I think, and some of the rest of the team for 10 years or so. There are a lot of new members though that I’ve only just met but we’ve quickly become a pretty close group — like a little BUST community :)

AJ: ~ How many people are part of the team at the moment?

Neil: So a few months ago it was about 10, but now we’re somewhere between 20–30 as the project scope has expanded significantly.

AJ: ~ Are you looking to hire/expand more people in the future? We have a lot of talent here.

Neil: We’ve definitely got all bases covered right now but it’s good to know there’s a resource if we do need to reach out for more team members thanks.

AJ: ~ Are you guys privately doxxed to any company? Is your code audited yet?

Neil: Yes we are doxxed to a few different companies involved, most specifically our preliminary auditors — www.rdauditors.com

And yes some code is audited as of right now, the rest is being audited as it’s completed. We’re expecting to be dealing with a whole lot of money in our platform so audits are incredibly important!

AJ: Awesome, good to hear!

Crusher: We will get Howard the “Coin Appraiser” to give the code a once over too!

AJ: ~ Why BUSTaBNB? What does it mean? Who came up with the name?

Neil: Yea so the inspiration for BUSTaBNB came from the original crypto crash game — bustabit.com — which is still being played today. The BNB part is simply because we’re launching first on BSC, with BNB as the first and most prominent playable token on the platform.

Plus it sounds real cool :)

As for who came up with it, that’s top secret sorry ;)

AJ: ~ How is this project different from other projects out there? What’s you edge?

Neil: So we’ve got quite a few unique features:

We’re the first DeFi platform to build our own AMM/DEX to allow trading of our native token with a transaction tax built in to the AMM itself rather than writing it into the contract code. This means the token will be easy to list on CEXs, and holders don’t have to pay the transaction tax when creating or breaking LP, or sending BUST to other wallets, only when trading it on our platform.

We also have a very unique revenue distribution model with an emphasis on keeping all profit from the platform cycling through the platform itself to increase the iGaming bankroll, adding liquidity, burning the BUST token etc. I haven’t seen anything like it elsewhere

There’s definitely more uniqueness going on but that’s probably enough for now :)

AJ: Whoever is not part of BUSTaBNB please make sure you join their telegram

AJ: ~ When can we have a sneak peak of the Alpha version? What should we expect from that?

Neil: We’re testing the Alpha internally right now, and we’ll soon be opening it up to the 20 winners of our Alpha Tester Competition (which is still open for more entries right now if anyone wants to get involved)

Crusher: Actually here’s our YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDdBR7XHIns

AJ: The graphic are sick! Personally, I like them a lot. I remember playing this game on bustabit. Great Job so far to the team behind

Neil: Yep we love the simplicity of bustabit, we just decided to take that core concept and make it way more fun and ridiculous :)

Those Alpha testers should get their hands on it next week and then we’ll be able to post more content.

As for what they can do with it, they can connect their wallet and play the core BUSTaCrash game with some play tokens, using the various auto bet/exit features.

AJ:~ What about the Alpha Squad Competition? Can you please give us some details about this competition?

Crusher: Sure — here’s the Medium article Google form link with all the details to enter: https://tinyurl.com/BUSTaBNB-ALPHASQUAD

Neil: Yep it’s pretty simple — people can sign up by completing a Google Form and subscribing to our various socials.

Then they have a chance at being an Alpha game tester and winning a prize of $200 worth of BUST and even a limited edition NFT

There are 20 Alpha testing spots available so there’s still a decent chance of getting in

AJ: ~ Are you looking to implement NFTs as well? I know @CrusherApe is deep on NFTs lol

Crusher: Yeah our friends over at MemeFarm.io take care of things NFT (again I am addicted..)

Neil: There’s a lot we can do with NFTs in the iGaming space. We have a lot of plans and ideas that we’ll start implementing after the core platform is released

Crusher: There will be 5x limited edition BUSTaBNB Alpha Series NFTs up for grabs for the 5x Alpha Testers with best feedback


Samples of 3x of them…

AJ: ~ Will we have the luck to have a marketplace as well for the NFTs?

Crusher: MemeFarm.io have a marketplace about to go live 😉 Good times ahead — head over to https://t.me/APEcoin_Chat for more info..

AJ: ~ Are you looking at any CEXs platforms at the moment? Any partnership you would like to share with us now?

We had many members who played bustabit back in the days, it was fun. But not like this, the graphics were low quality and definitely no NFTs or any kind of competition.

Neil: We’ve got contacts at a bunch of CEXs so we do plan to list BUST soon after we launch, but we also want to keep a lot of trading happening on our own platform in the beginning. Timing will be important

Yea it’s quite amazing how well bustabit has done and is still doing, considering you can only play with BTC and it looks so outdated. I think it speaks to the possibilities of how well a good CRASH game can do.

Also keep in mind that BUSTaCRASH is only the first game that we’re building on the BUSTaBNB iGaming platform. It’s definitely our flagship game and we’re putting a lot of effort into it, but there will be many more games to follow.

AJ: ~ Since you’re talking about the future, can you give us a short summary about your Q3 roadmap?

Neil: Yea sure. So once we launch the BUSTaCRASH game and the BUSTaBNB defi platform, we’ll be looking for more partners to add their tokens to our game/ecosystem, expanding the iGaming portfolio and adding some secondary/background games/features like a lottery etc. Then we’ll be looking at other chains to expand to and other gaming platforms to partner with / incorporate.

Obviously that’s a lot so we can’t say exactly how soon it will all happen but that’s all stuff that’s on the roadmap :)

AJ: ~ Also, I know the markets are a little bit shaky right now so how are you planning to stay competitive?

Neil: Yep good question. So I think there are too many projects right now that only work / do well if the market does well. In a bear market, those project die.

The major difference here with BUSTaBNB is that no matter what the market is doing, people still like to gamble, so our plan is to focus on the iGaming side of the platform so that whether it’s a bull or bear market, we’re still relevant.

Although BNB will be our primary token, we expect to have around 5 partner tokens listed soon after launch that people can play with. After that, there’s no reason why we can’t add various stablecoins as playable tokens which will help to keep us relevant even in a terrible bear cycle.

AJ: Also, who doesn’t like games…

Neil: As people start to move their portfolios to be more stablecoin heavy, a lot of them will still want something to do with those stablecoins — let’s be honest, crypto gets boring when you’re just looking at a portofolio full of BUSD and USDT. I’m sure there’s going to be a bunch of people looking to have a little fun while they wait for the next bull run :)

AJ: ~ Can you talk a little bit about the IDO as well?

Neil: Sure

So yes, we’re of course doing an IDO — in fact, we’re doing multiple IDOs, at least 2, possibly more. We want to get a massive user base and lots of eyes on the game and platform so we’re going pretty big.

We’re also doing something that not many projects before us have done:

We’re going to have a live, usable product, with real utility (being able to play with real BNB), generating revenue, BEFORE the IDO

AJ: ~ Do you have any platform in mind? I can get you in touch with WAULT

Neil: Yes we’ve got two IDO platforms signed off already.

We’ve got a contact at WAULT too actually and we’ll keep them in mind but thanks :)

I just can’t say which IDO partners we’re using yet, think we’re announcing that next week…

As for timing, we’re expecting the IDOs to be in late July or early August so it’s still at least a few weeks away but if anyone here is interested they should join our socials to stay up to date.

AJ: ~ I think @CrusherApe has something to share with us as well…

Crusher: Brand new promo vid just uploaded.. enjoy

AJ:~ How will the referral commission will work?

Neil: So we have 3 referral commission streams that affiliates will can claim any time someone who joined via their affiliate link performs either of the following:

- Claims farming rewards

- Lose a round of the game to the house

- Makes a trade on our AMM

For affiliates who invite a few friends here and there they can earn a little extra $$ depending on how active their referees are.

Where it gets really interesting is for the influencers/KOLs — anyone with a large following. They will actually be able to earn very healthy and constant streams of revenue if they get a lot of people joining via their referral links.

Honestly some of them might be able to retire off this income if they get enough people onto the platform and we grow as we plan to :)

AJ: Last question guys, I know you’re super busy with other stuff and I don’t want to keep you here any longer

~ Everyone wants to know about your short-term Marketing Plans. Can you share with us your marketing strategy?

Neil: Well honestly, I wish the marketing department was here to take this question, they know lots more than me about all that :)

What I can tell you is that we’ve got a long list of influencers/KOLs that we’re talking with right now, we’ve got this promo vid just dropped which is the teaser/precursor to some broader video marketing plans, we’ll be doing some banner ads etc. on prominent crypto/defi websites, and we’re looking to launch our affiliate program early to take advantage of the best form of marketing ever invented: word of mouth :)

Crusher: Some shots of our AMM

AJ: We wish you all the best in your project

Neil: Yea thanks very much for having us mate, twas great to be here :)

Crusher: Ty ser! its been fun.

AJ: I can’t wait to try it out

Thank you again guys.

Neil: Feel free to sign up to the Alpha Tester comp :)


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MultiChain Apes

Written by MultiChain Apes

MultiChain Apes are focused on BSC, KCC, MATIC & ERC

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